Micr’Eau Chile partner of CyM

Micr’Eau is a company specialized in drinking and wastewater treatment, arsenic removal and biogas engineering. It is present on two continents in Europe and South America.

This company of French origin developed synergies with CyM to help in the energy transition of small local mining towards carbon-free extraction of copper.

“FASEP is a grant (or a reimbursable advance) to finance feasibility studies or demonstration of green and innovative technologies granted by the French Government,” says Adrien Pardon, commercial director of Grupo Micr’Eau Chile.

Regarding the main activities, Pardon points out that the sale and installation of equipment and materials for drinking water treatment, filter medium change services for water purification plants, saturated filter medium recovery services for reuse in treatment plants, water treatment and import of gas holders and torches to store and burn excess biogas.

Micr’Eau has developed two subsidiaries to operate its activities in Chile:

Micr’Eau AEC: dedicated to the import and sale of equipment and materials.

Andes Bio Medio: dedicated to the manufacture of filter media and saturated media change services.
